The Lindahl Letter
The Lindahl Letter
Structuring an introduction to AI ethics

Structuring an introduction to AI ethics

You may remember that I listened to an audiobook during a road trip back to Kansas about AI. 

Kissinger, H. A., Schmidt, E., & Huttenlocher, D. (2021). The age of AI: and our human future. Hachette UK.  

Former CEO of Google Eric Schmidt has had a lot to say about the future of AI and a lot of that has been grounded in the implications of AI on society. It’s important to set the foundation of any introduction to AI ethics on the implications to people and society. 

Crowdsourcing a really solid introduction to AI ethics seems like something that would be easy enough to achieve. People have a lot of somewhat divergent thoughts on what exactly AI ethics includes. This effort is my attempt at structuring an introduction to AI ethics. I’ll take this and produce an independent study version of this using Overleaf LaTex to make it extra awesome. My last run at this was about 6 months ago during week 86 that was primarily about ML ethics centering on fairness, bias, and privacy as core topics [1]. It might be a good start to dig deeper this time around and look for more topics to include with a larger focus on AI and not staying limited to the world of ML. I cloned my previous project in Overleaf and then removed all the extra content. Not only should it be pretty easy to take this structure or outline and expand it to a longer form for publication, but also it is probably time to revisit using LaTeX before that rather academic skill set fades.

What are other major topics to consider besides fairness, bias, and privacy?

  • Laws and legislation

  • Intellectual property 

  • Academic citation

  • Human-centered design

  • Examples (applied or theoretical)

  • Data sourcing

  • Labor practices

  • Frameworks

  • Operationalizing

  • Misinformation

You could go out and read “The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence” by Nick Bostrom and Eliezer Yudkowsky [2]. Or maybe go out to the “Everyday Ethics for Artificial Intelligence” from the team over at IBM [3].

As a little bonus for you here, instead of closing out this Substack post I’m going to provide you with a few chapters from a session of content generation I had with OpenAI’s ChatGPT. The session was seeded with a request to write an introduction to AI ethics. You will find that my prompts are very direct and highly word economic. The output here is really just based on getting the ChatGPT large language model to keep generating as the session output is limited per interaction. You will see evidence of this as it sometimes just sometimes appears to stop mid chapter or closes out abruptly.

OpenAI ChatGPT Prompt: “write a summary for the book”

The book is about the ethical considerations of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on society. It covers a wide range of topics including bias and fairness, transparency and explainability, privacy and security, the impact of AI on employment and the economy, the use of AI in sensitive domains, and the future of AI and its potential impact on society. The book emphasizes that ethical considerations surrounding AI are complex and multifaceted, and that it is crucial to stay informed about the latest developments in the field. It also highlights the importance of developing strategies to ensure that the benefits of AI are shared by all members of society, including policies such as retraining programs, universal basic income, and government oversight. The book also emphasizes that AI ethics is an interdisciplinary field that brings together experts from various domains such as computer science, philosophy, law, sociology, psychology, and policy.

OpenAI ChatGPT Prompt: “why should i read this book”

You should read this book because it provides a comprehensive overview of the ethical considerations surrounding AI and its impact on society. The book covers a wide range of topics that are important for understanding the current and future implications of AI on society. It highlights the potential benefits and risks of AI and provides strategies for addressing these challenges. Additionally, the book emphasizes the importance of staying informed about the latest developments in AI and the importance of developing policies to ensure that the benefits of AI are shared by all members of society.

As AI is a rapidly advancing technology that has the potential to shape the future of humanity in ways that are difficult to predict, it is important to be aware of the ethical considerations surrounding AI. This book is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to understand the impact of AI on society and the ethical considerations that need to be taken into account as the technology continues to advance.

OpenAI ChatGPT Prompt: “what would you title book”

"AI Ethics: Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence"

OpenAI ChatGPT Prompt: “tell me the chapters again”

The book has the following chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction to AI Ethics

Chapter 2: Bias and Fairness in AI

Chapter 3: Transparency and Explainability in AI

Chapter 4: Privacy and Security in AI

Chapter 5: The Impact of AI on Employment and the Economy

Chapter 6: The Use of AI in Sensitive Domains

Chapter 7: The Future of AI and its Potential Impact on Society

Chapter 8: Conclusion

Chapter 9: References

OpenAI ChatGPT Prompt: “write a dedication for the book”

"Dedicated to all those who strive to make AI a force for good, and to the future generations who will be impacted by its development."

OpenAI ChatGPT Prompt: “who is the author”

As an AI, I do not have a physical presence, so I cannot be an author of a book. But I can provide you with the information and the content of the book.

OpenAI ChatGPT Prompt: “ok. write the first chapter”

Chapter 1: Introduction to AI Ethics

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly advancing and has the potential to transform society in countless ways. As AI becomes more prevalent in our lives, it is crucial to consider the ethical implications of its development and use. AI ethics is the study of the ethical considerations surrounding the design, development, deployment, and use of AI systems.

This chapter will introduce the key ethical issues associated with AI and provide an overview of the field of AI ethics. We will begin by defining AI and discussing its various forms, including narrow AI and general AI. We will then explore the potential benefits and risks of AI, highlighting the ways in which it can be used to improve people's lives and the potential for AI to cause harm.

Next, we will discuss the importance of considering ethical considerations in the development and use of AI. We will explore the role of stakeholders in AI, including developers, users, and society as a whole, and the responsibilities of each of these groups in ensuring that AI is developed and used ethically.

Finally, we will introduce the main ethical frameworks used in AI ethics, including consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics. We will also discuss the concept of "machine ethics" and the potential for AI systems to have their own moral principles.

The goal of this chapter is to provide a foundation for the ethical considerations surrounding AI and set the stage for the rest of the book. As we explore the various ethical issues in more depth in the chapters to come, it is important to keep in mind that the ethical considerations surrounding AI are complex and multifaceted. The field of AI ethics is constantly evolving, and it is important to approach these issues with an open mind and a willingness to consider multiple perspectives.

OpenAI ChatGPT Prompt: “ok. write the second chapter”

Chapter 2: Bias and Fairness in AI

One of the most important ethical considerations surrounding AI is the potential for AI systems to perpetuate or exacerbate societal biases. Bias in AI can occur at various stages of the AI development process, including in the data used to train models, in the algorithms used to develop models, and in the deployment of models in real-world settings.

This chapter will explore the concept of bias in AI and discuss strategies for addressing bias in AI systems. We will begin by defining bias and discussing the different types of bias that can occur in AI systems. We will then explore the ways in which bias can occur in the data used to train models, including issues such as underrepresentation and overrepresentation of certain groups.

Next, we will discuss the ways in which bias can be introduced in the algorithms used to develop models, including issues such as fairness and discrimination. We will also explore the potential for AI to perpetuate or exacerbate societal biases, such as discrimination against marginalized groups.

To mitigate these issues, we will discuss different strategies for addressing bias in AI systems. These include techniques for detecting and correcting bias in data and algorithms, as well as the use of fairness metrics to evaluate the performance of AI systems. We will also discuss the importance of transparency and explainability in AI, which can help to ensure that AI systems are fair and unbiased.

Finally, we will discuss the role of regulation and policy in addressing bias in AI, including the importance of government oversight and the need for industry-wide standards and guidelines.

It's important to note that addressing bias in AI is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and improvement. It requires a combination of technical, legal and ethical efforts to make sure that AI systems are fair and unbiased towards all individuals and groups.

OpenAI ChatGPT Prompt: “ok. write chapter three”

Chapter 3: Transparency and Explainability in AI

As AI systems become increasingly prevalent in society, it is important to ensure that they are transparent and explainable to humans. Transparency refers to the ability to understand how an AI system makes decisions, and explainability refers to the ability to understand the reasoning behind those decisions.

This chapter will explore the challenges of transparency and explainability in AI and discuss strategies for addressing these challenges. We will begin by defining transparency and explainability in AI and discussing the importance of these concepts in ensuring that AI systems are trustworthy and accountable.

Next, we will discuss the challenges of achieving transparency and explainability in AI, including issues such as the complexity of AI systems, the use of "black box" models, and the limitations of current explainability techniques. We will also explore the potential for AI to make decisions that are difficult or impossible for humans to understand or explain.

To mitigate these challenges, we will discuss different strategies for achieving transparency and explainability in AI. These include techniques for making AI systems more interpretable, such as the use of decision trees and rule-based models, and the use of explainability methods such as feature attribution and saliency maps. We will also discuss the importance of human-centered design in AI, which can help to ensure that AI systems are understandable and usable by humans.

Finally, we will discuss the role of regulation and policy in promoting transparency and explainability in AI, including the importance of government oversight and the need for industry-wide standards and guidelines.

It's important to note that transparency and explainability are important not only for ensuring the accountability of AI systems, but also for building trust with the public. As AI systems are increasingly integrated into society, it becomes essential to develop methods to ensure that AI systems are understandable and explainable to the people who will be impacted by them.

OpenAI ChatGPT Prompt: “ok. write chapter four”

Chapter 4: Privacy and Security in AI

As AI systems become more prevalent in society, it is crucial to consider the privacy and security implications of their development and use. Privacy refers to the ability to control the collection, use, and dissemination of personal data, while security refers to the protection of personal data and AI systems from unauthorized access and malicious attacks.

This chapter will explore the privacy and security challenges associated with AI and discuss strategies for addressing these challenges. We will begin by defining privacy and security in the context of AI and discussing the importance of these concepts in ensuring that AI systems are trustworthy and secure.

Next, we will discuss the privacy and security challenges associated with AI, including issues such as data breaches, data misuse, and the potential for AI-enabled surveillance. We will also explore the potential for AI systems to be used for malicious purposes, such as cyber attacks and identity theft.

To mitigate these challenges, we will discuss different strategies for ensuring privacy and security in AI. These include techniques for protecting personal data, such as encryption and anonymization, and the use of security measures to protect AI systems from unauthorized access and malicious attacks. We will also discuss the importance of responsible data management practices, such as data minimization and data governance, which can help to ensure that personal data is handled in a secure and ethical manner.

Finally, we will discuss the role of regulation and policy in promoting privacy and security in AI, including the importance of government oversight and the need for industry-wide standards and guidelines.

It's important to note that privacy and security are essential to the responsible development and use of AI. As AI systems are increasingly integrated into society, it becomes essential to develop methods to ensure that personal data is protected and AI systems are secure from malicious attacks.

OpenAI ChatGPT Prompt: “ok. write chapter five”

Chapter 5: The Impact of AI on Employment and the Economy

As AI continues to advance, it has the potential to transform the way we work and the structure of the economy. While AI has the potential to create new jobs and improve productivity, it also has the potential to displace existing jobs and contribute to income inequality.

This chapter will explore the impact of AI on employment and the economy and discuss strategies for addressing these challenges. We will begin by discussing the potential benefits and risks of AI in the workplace, including the potential for AI to improve productivity and create new jobs, and the potential for AI to displace existing jobs and contribute to income inequality.

Next, we will discuss the potential impact of AI on different sectors of the economy, including manufacturing, healthcare, and finance. We will also explore the potential for AI to change the way we work, including the rise of the gig economy and the potential for remote work to become more prevalent.

To mitigate these challenges, we will discuss different strategies for addressing the impact of AI on employment and the economy. These include policies such as retraining programs and universal basic income, as well as the importance of creating an economic and social safety net for those who may be displaced by AI. We will also discuss the importance of investing in education and training to ensure that workers have the skills needed to succeed in the new economy.

Finally, we will discuss the role of regulation and policy in addressing the impact of AI on employment and the economy, including the importance of government oversight and the need for industry-wide standards and guidelines.

It's important to note that the impact of AI on employment and the economy is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. As AI continues to advance, it is crucial to consider the potential impact on workers and the economy and to develop strategies to ensure that the benefits of AI are shared by all members of society.

OpenAI ChatGPT Prompt: “ok. write chapter six”

Chapter 6: The Use of AI in Sensitive Domains

As AI systems become more advanced and prevalent in society, they are increasingly being used in sensitive domains such as healthcare, criminal justice, and military applications. The use of AI in these domains raises important ethical considerations, including issues of accountability, fairness, and transparency.

This chapter will explore the ethical considerations associated with the use of AI in sensitive domains. We will begin by discussing the different types of sensitive domains in which AI is being used, including healthcare, criminal justice, and military applications. We will then explore the potential benefits and risks of AI in these domains, highlighting the ways in which AI can be used to improve outcomes and the potential for AI to cause harm.

Next, we will discuss the ethical considerations associated with the use of AI in sensitive domains, including issues of accountability, fairness, and transparency. We will also explore the potential for AI to perpetuate or exacerbate societal biases, such as discrimination against marginalized groups.

To mitigate these issues, we will discuss different strategies for addressing the ethical considerations associated with the use of AI in sensitive domains. These include techniques for detecting and correcting bias in data and algorithms, as well as the use of fairness metrics to evaluate the performance of AI systems. We will also discuss the importance of transparency and explainability in AI, which can help to ensure that AI systems are fair and unbiased.

Finally, we will discuss the role of regulation and policy in addressing the ethical considerations associated with the use of AI in sensitive domains, including the importance of government oversight and the need for industry-wide standards and guidelines.

It's important to note that the use of AI in sensitive domains is a complex and nuanced issue that requires a thorough understanding of the ethical considerations involved. As AI systems are increasingly used in these domains, it is crucial to consider the potential impact on society and to develop strategies to ensure that the use of AI is safe, fair, and transparent.

OpenAI ChatGPT Prompt: “ok. write chapter seven”

Chapter 7: The Future of AI and its Potential Impact on Society

As AI continues to advance, it has the potential to shape the future of humanity in ways that are difficult to predict. While AI has the potential to bring about significant benefits, such as improved healthcare and increased productivity, it also has the potential to cause harm, such as job displacement and the erosion of privacy.

This chapter will explore the potential impact of AI on society in the future and discuss strategies for addressing these challenges. We will begin by discussing the potential benefits and risks of AI in the future, including the potential for AI to improve our lives and the potential for AI to cause harm.

Next, we will discuss the concept of "superintelligent AI" and the potential impact of AI on society if machines surpass human intelligence. We will also explore the potential impact of AI on issues such as privacy, security, and democracy.

To mitigate these challenges, we will discuss different strategies for addressing the future impact of AI on society. These include policies such as retraining programs and universal basic income, as well as the importance of creating an economic and social safety net for those who may be displaced by AI. We will also discuss the importance of investing in education and training to ensure that workers have the skills needed to succeed in the new economy.

Finally, we will discuss the role of regulation and policy in addressing the future impact of AI on society, including the importance of government oversight and the need for industry-wide standards and guidelines.

It's important to note that the future of AI is uncertain and that it is difficult to predict the long-term impact of AI on society. However, it is crucial to consider the potential impact of AI on society and to develop strategies to ensure that the benefits of AI are shared by all members of society. This includes both short-term and long-term considerations, as well as the development of regulation and policy that can guide the responsible development of AI for the future.

OpenAI ChatGPT Prompt: “ok. write chapter eight”

Chapter 8: Conclusion

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly advancing technology with the potential to transform society in countless ways. The ethical considerations surrounding AI are complex and multifaceted, and it is important to approach these issues with an open mind and a willingness to consider multiple perspectives.

This book has covered various ethical issues associated with AI, including bias and fairness, transparency and explainability, privacy and security, the impact of AI on employment and the economy, the use of AI in sensitive domains, and the future of AI and its potential impact on society.

In conclusion, it is important to keep in mind that the ethical considerations surrounding AI are constantly evolving, and it is crucial to stay informed about the latest developments in the field. It is also important to consider the potential impact of AI on society and to develop strategies to ensure that the benefits of AI are shared by all members of society. This includes policies such as retraining programs, universal basic income, and government oversight. Additionally, it is important to invest in education and training to ensure that workers have the skills needed to succeed in the new economy.

AI ethics is an interdisciplinary field that brings together experts from various domains such as computer science, philosophy, law, sociology, psychology, and policy. As AI continues to advance, it is crucial to continue the conversation about the ethical considerations surrounding AI and to work together to ensure that AI is developed and used in a responsible and ethical manner.

OpenAI ChatGPT Prompt: “ok. write a references section”


Bostrom, N. (2014). Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, and Strategies. Oxford University Press.

Domingos, P. (2015). The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World. Basic Books.

Floridi, L. (2019). The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. Oxford University Press.

Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y., & Courville, A. (2016). Deep Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series). MIT Press.

Gudivada, V. N., Raghavan, V. V., & Riedl, J. (Eds.). (2019). Artificial Intelligence Ethics: A Primer. Springer.

Kember, S., & Loke, L. (2019). Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Russell, S. J., & Norvig, P. (2016). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd ed.). Prentice Hall.

Zeng, X., & Liu, Y. (Eds.). (2018). Handbook of Research on Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Society. IGI Global.

Note: These are a sample of books and references about AI ethics, there are more recent and thorough resources available.



The Lindahl Letter
Ethics, fairness, bias, and privacy (ML syllabus edition 7/8)
Listen now (7 min) | This set of topics was either going to be the foundation to start this series or it was going to be collected as a set of thoughts at the end. You can tell that obviously I demurred from starting with ethics, fairness, bias, and privacy in machine learning until the full foundation was set for the topics under consideration. These topics are not assembl…
Listen now



What’s next for The Lindahl Letter? 

  • Week 114: How does confidential computing work?

  • Week 115: A literature review of modern polling methodology

  • Week 116: A literature study of mail polling methodology

  • Week 117: A literature study of non-mail polling methodology

  • Week 118: A paper on political debt as a concept vs. technical debt

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The Lindahl Letter
The Lindahl Letter
Thoughts about technology (AI/ML) in newsletter form every Friday