The Lindahl Letter
The Lindahl Letter
Autonomous vehicles

Autonomous vehicles

Lectures related to this topic are mostly about convolutional neural networks and visual recognition systems. My searches were explicitly for autonomous vehicles and did not directly include any of the methods being deployed. That in part was due to my interest in going into higher levels of analysis this time around. My searches of Google Scholar on this topic of autonomous vehicles returned results with a lot fewer citations than I was expecting to find [1]. Three of the papers in the first 30 results had more than 1,000 citations.

Fagnant, D. J., & Kockelman, K. (2015). Preparing a nation for autonomous vehicles: opportunities, barriers and policy recommendations. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 77, 167-181. 

Shah, S., Dey, D., Lovett, C., & Kapoor, A. (2018). Airsim: High-fidelity visual and physical simulation for autonomous vehicles. In Field and Service Robotics: Results of the 11th International Conference (pp. 621-635). Springer International Publishing. 

Bonnefon, J. F., Shariff, A., & Rahwan, I. (2016). The social dilemma of autonomous vehicles. Science, 352(6293), 1573-1576. 

The rest of the scholarly articles seemed to have around a couple hundred citations. Maybe the collection of scholars interested in autonomous vehicle research is about that size. In practical terms it is probably a fairly expensive area of study. Even building simulated models would be computationally expensive. Collecting real world model data would be cost prohibitive for most researchers. 

Faisal, A., Kamruzzaman, M., Yigitcanlar, T., & Currie, G. (2019). Understanding autonomous vehicles. Journal of transport and land use, 12(1), 45-72.

Schwarting, W., Alonso-Mora, J., & Rus, D. (2018). Planning and decision-making for autonomous vehicles. Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, 1, 187-210.

Kato, S., Takeuchi, E., Ishiguro, Y., Ninomiya, Y., Takeda, K., & Hamada, T. (2015). An open approach to autonomous vehicles. IEEE Micro, 35(6), 60-68.

You will notice pretty quickly that all of those scholarly works are aging a bit compared to where we are now at the doorstep of modernity. I’ll be curious about digging into things a bit more over time to find more current state reviews of autonomous vehicles.

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What’s next for The Lindahl Letter? 

  • Week 113: Structuring an introduction to AI ethics

  • Week 114: How does confidential computing work?

  • Week 115: A literature review of modern polling methodology

  • Week 116: A literature study of mail polling methodology

  • Week 117: A literature study of non-mail polling methodology

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The Lindahl Letter
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